About Rali

Cicero would have been a fantastic blogger.  10-19-14 Ocean BeachI love bleading his letters. I also love Euripides and Ovid.

A Classicist with a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, I have been teaching in the San Francisco Bay area since 2000.  My students constantly teach me new things.  For example, I’ve become very knowledgeable about the latest trends in technology, like texting and GoToMeeting.

Technology aside, I firmly believe in technique.  Just as one can get badly injured by exercising improperly, so one can develop the wrong habits in studying languages – or anything else.  So I am constantly working on refining my teaching technology.  I am well aware that one size does not fit all.  At the same time there are some basics that are present in all study. Rhythm is one of those; another is logic.

6 thoughts on “About Rali

  1. Nice work, Rali, and thanks for the kind words about our time on the site. It offers a great service to us, in return.

    I, too, am an aficionado of yoga and pilates, as you know, and have gotten the itch to rejoin a martial arts class of late. I’ll keep you posted. I’m interested in the new workouts, and “the Bar Method.” We’ll have much to talk about our first Raider game we can attend together this season!

    My one question: Will Russell’s departure have the nation at a loss for words?

    Ha! not possible!

    Anatomy and physiology are infinitely fascinating, and we cannot know enough about these bodies we spend our lives in.

    1. Hey Brian, the martial arts muse is making its rounds – I too am getting the urge. What style interests you lately? As for the home-games, Sept. 19th against the lambs and Oct. 3 vs. Texans would be good one’s for you to come up early and stay with us … bring your handmade board and we’ll surf O.B. before the game! Then, Oct. 10 is our 1st division game v. StD, perhaps, we’ll suck it up and head down for it … depending on Classical demands, of course.
      See you on the other significant blog.

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